Ref. number: 0053
Homeopathic product
Indications: applied to osteoarthritis / especially gonarthrosis / polyarthrosis, spondylarthrosis, humeroskapularen periarthritis
Contraindications: Do not be prescribed to patients svrahchuvsvitelni to plants of the genus Rhus family Anakardievi or any of the other ingredients of the product. To be used after consulting a doctor in current or past liver disease and / or the adoption of hepatotoxic agent. Due to the containment of Sanguinaria canadensis should not be used during pregnancy and lactation.
Side effects: During the adoption of preparations containing Sanguinaria canadensis in isolated cases observed increased levels of liver enzymes (transaminases) bilirubin, which are a sign of drug prechinen hapatit or jaundice. These symptoms disappear after treatment. In very rare cases may occur gastroentestinalni symptoms, skin reactions or hypersensitivity reactions to several days after using the drug.
Storage Conditions: Keep away from heat and humidity! After use, the packaging is closed immediately. The drug store of the reach of children! Do not use after the expiry date stated on the packaging!
Marketing Authorisation Holder and Manufacturer:
Biologische Heilmittel Heel GmbH, Germany.
Adults: Usually 3-5 times 1 tablet daily. The tablets are placed under the tongue to dissolve them.
In children up to 3 years old- 0.5 tablet 3 times daily.
From 3 to 6 years old - 1 tablet 3 times daily.
Over 6 years old - adult dose.
The ingestion of the tablet does not cause any detrimental effects in both children and adults!
The drug is not contraindicated in drivers.
If after administration of the medicinal product does not occur desired therapeutic effect, to consult a doctor.
1 tablet contains:
Cartilago suis D4 0,3 mg
Funiculus umbilicatis suis D4 0,3 mg
Embryo suis D4 0,3 mg
Placenta suis D4 0,3 mg
Rhus toxicodendron D2 0,54 mg
Arnica montana D1 0,6 mg
Solanum dulcamara D2 0,15 mg
Symphytum D8 0,15 mg
Sanguinaria canadensis D3 0,45 mg
Sulfur D6 0,54 mg
Nadidum D6 0,03 mg
Coenzym A D6 0,03 mg
Natrium diethyloxalaceticum D6 0,03 mg
Acidum silicicum D6 of 3 mg
Acidum alpha-liponicum D6 0,03 mg
294,94 mg lactose
Magnesium Stearate 1,50 mg